When barbershops are closed…

For more than two/three weeks (depending where you are) now that shops have shut their doors to customers. Some of us might miss the restaurants, the bars, or cinemas. But one thing that might concern most guys is the closure of barbershops. Correct me if I am wrong and depending on what you do for a living, guys (between 30-59 years of age) tend to have their hair cut about once a month. By now, many, like me, may start thinking what to do with our hair.

One thing that I am considering is to buy a set of clipper and scissors. During my first year in the UK, it was difficult to find an Asian barber so one of my friends, with her set of special scissors and comb agreed to cut my hair for me. It went well. This nostalgic thought then inspired me to look around Youtube how to cut my own hair.

Youtube clips may be deceiving but they have made it seem easy enough. Clip-on combs that can be put on the clipper allow you to adjust the length of your side and back. Then trim the top with scissors.

At the same time, I have also been warned! It may not turn out the way I wanted and I may have to walk around with a cap long after the COVID-19 situation gets better.

So I guess I will wait a bit until it’s unbearable. Then I will write a short review about it!


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